Resource for Urban Agriculture – Restoring Brownfields

resource for urban agriculture

FREE Resource for Urban Agriculture – Land Reuse and Redevelopment: Creating Healthy Communities

An exceptional guide to restoring brownfields for use in growing food and other community benefits was released this morning by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a branch of the CDC. It was produced by BROWN (Brownfield and Reuse Opportunity Working Network), a group that I belong to, headed by Dr. Laurel Berman. BROWN is a wonderful group of technically savvy, compassionate experts who work with community initiatives across the US.

Land Reuse and Redevelopment: Creating Healthy Communities is a free textbook and community resource providing guidance on reusing land safely. Each section of the book is written by land reuse stakeholders highlighting how ATSDR’s 5-step Land Reuse Strategy is implemented in best practices. It also highlights how safe land reuse can contribute to community resilience, partnerships, and sustainability.

Download this free resource for urban agriculture HERE: Land Reuse and Redevelopment: Creating Healthy Communities

This book is a free resource for urban agriculture and should be used as a resource guide to help communities understand and learn all the elements of how to reuse land to create healthier communities. The authors of this book work in multiple and varied aspects of land redevelopment and reuse. They are affiliated with the ATSDR Brownfields and Reuse Opportunity Working Network (BROWN). BROWN members have expertise in community engagement, environmental protection, health, housing, agriculture, and development sectors. We all have a common vision to create Healthfields to improve community health through safe land reuse and revitalization. By coming together to write this book, we hope to share with you some of the tools, resources, and successes we use to create healthier places to live, work, and play. In addition to our partnerships with BROWN and others who seek to improve health through land reuse and community revitalization, in 2020, our special certification course, Environmental Health and Land Reuse and Redevelopment Certification Program will be available through
Through this effort, we hope to ensure that environmental professionals, students in public health or planning, and anyone who has a vested interest in community revitalization can build a solid foundation to integrate health in land reuse and redevelopment.
Sections of this book are organized around the five steps of the ATSDR 5-step Land Reuse Strategy to improve community health through safe land reuse.

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