Relief Grants to Help Farm Families in TX

grants to help farm families
 Emergency Relief Grants to Help Farm Families – Texas​ ​Organic​ ​Farmers​ ​&​ ​Gardeners​ ​Association​ ​(TOFGA)​ ​helps bring​ Farm Aid COVID-19 Farmer Resilience Initiative ​to​ ​Texas.

Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (TOFGA) has partnered with the Federation of Southern Cooperative and several other Texas-based organization to distribute $500​ ​emergency​ ​relief​ ​grants​ to help farm families in Texas who were impacted by COVID-19. The funds are provided to​ ​help​ ​farmers​ ​meet​ ​household​ ​expenses.​ There is no deadline to apply, although applications are reviewed as they are received and there is a finite amount of funding available.

Family​ ​farmers ​are​ ​eligible​ ​based​ ​on​ ​the​ ​following​ ​criteria:

  1. a substantial portion of the family/ household income comes from agricultural production

  2. the family is actively engaged in day-to-day farm management and labor

* Preference will be given to the farms that have the highest need.
* Only one grant is allowed per family/farm operation.
* Rural residents who obtain a small portion of their household income from agricultural products are not eligible. This includes people who are not selling agricultural products (i.e. who are producing primarily for their household consumption) and those who rely primarily on off-farm income.

Find out if you are eligible for these grants to help farm families and Apply here:

Apply in English Apply in Spanish

If you or someone you know needs assistance applying please contact

For More Resources for Farmers in Response to COVID-19 Visit:

The Texas Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association (TOFGA) is the leading voice of education and advocacy for organic food production in Texas. As a member-run and member-funded organization, TOFGA includes farmers, ranchers, gardeners, dairies, cheese makers, soil amendment producers, nurseries, food markets, farmers markets, educators, students, and more.


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