Recommended Articles: Food Safety Bill; Urban Farming; Nutrient Shortage; Farm Financing

Sen. Coburn Threatens to Hold Food Safety Bill (Food Safety News) by Helena Bottemiller

Excerpt: ”Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) says he will hold up the pending food safety bill unless Democrats find a way to pay for the measure. With time running out in the Senate, advocates had hoped that the recent egg recall would provide the impetus to finally move the legislation, which has been stalled for more than a year, to the floor. Coburn’s threat, however, is a serious problem for the bill.”  To read the full article click HERE

Three projects that are watering Detroit’s ‘food desert’ (Grist) by Tom Philpott

Excerpt: “…food has emerged as the key motivating force of Detroiters’ efforts to re-imagine their town as a thriving, livable place. I was struck by the cooperation on display — the way new-wave restaurateurs, market farmers, food-justice activists, and nonprofit advocates work together toward the goal of a healthy, inclusive food system where a food desert once stood. And while plenty of work remains to be done before that vision can be achieved, my week in Detroit left me with little doubt that it would be.”  To read the full article click HERE

Forget Oil, Worry About Phosphorus (The Daily Yonder) By C. Robert Taylor

Excerpt: “Modern farming methods depend increasingly on fossil fuels and major plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. We know that peak oil is fast approaching, if it has not already arrived. This isn’t the only shortage that should concern us. We are seeing the same coming shortages in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.” To read the full article click HERE

Signs of a reverse brain drain, from finance to farms (Grist) by Tom Laskawy

Excerpt: “Jurrien Swarts, a partner in Holton Farms… has structured… a kind of farm charge account — and even gave it a “premium” name: CSA Select. In his version, CSA members aren’t getting a pre-selected box of produce. Instead, they spend down their “balance” by ordering á la carte week by week from a selection of products from Holton and its 10 other farm and business partners.”  To read the full article click HERE

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