Quivira Coalition New Agrarian Program Apprenticeships

San Juan Ranch Apprenticeship

Starting a career in regenerative agriculture? Want to develop technical skills in grassfed beef production, dairy management and cheesemaking, or heirloom fruit tree cultivation and holistic orchard management?
The Quivira Coalition New Agrarian Program seeks applicants for its 8-month (March to Nov 2016) on-site apprenticeships at:

San Juan Ranch in Alamosa, CO
San Juan Ranch is a certified organic, grass-fed beef ranch located in the San Luis Valley near Saguache, Colorado operated by George Whitten and Julie Sullivan. The apprenticeship curriculum includes Holistic Management, animal husbandry, range health monitoring, planned grazing, herding, ranch infrastructure maintenance, improving soil by grazing cover crops on irrigated cropland, finishing process for grass-fed cattle, low-stress livestock handling, and organic certification. In addition, the curriculum may include a series of professional development opportunities. Apprentices emerge from the program with tangible skills, both technical and interpersonal, that are essential for successful employment in sustainable agriculture, and for eventual ownership and management of their own operation.
Start Date: Approximately March 1, 2016 (Apprentices will attend an orientation at the end of the week of March 15 in the Santa Fe area.)
Application Deadline: December 1, 2015
Apply at:
Artisan Cheese ApprenticeshipJames Ranch Artisan Cheese in Durango, CO
James Ranch Artisan Cheese manages a small herd of Jersey cows for the production of raw milk and small-batch cheeses in the beautiful Animas Valley near Durango, Colorado. Operated by Dan and Becca James, James Ranch Artisan Cheese is one of several family-run enterprises on the larger James Ranch. This dairy and cheesemaking apprenticeship offers professional training for aspiring agrarians committed to a life and career at the intersection of conservation, sustainable agriculture, and artisan foods. The apprenticeship includes hands-on experience with all aspects of dairy operation and cheese production, including low-stress animal handling, milking, cheese making, affinage, biological monitoring, marketing, financial planning, Holistic Management, and land stewardship.
Start Date: Approximately March 14, 2016 (Apprentices will attend an orientation at the end of the week of March 14 in the Santa Fe area, then will officially start at the ranch March 21.)
Application Deadline: December 1, 2015
Apply at:
Tooley’s Trees in Truchas, NMTooleys Trees Apprenticeship
Margaret and Gordon have trained many young people over the years, and then in 2013 hired a New Agrarian Program graduate for an eight-month orchard management apprenticeship. In 2014, Tooley’s Trees officially joined up with Quivira Coalition as a mentor for the New Agrarian Program. NAP apprentices with Tooley’s Trees will gain skills and experience in all aspects of running a successful tree nursery, including basic soil science geared toward healthy, productive soils; recognizing the difference between beneficial plants and weeds and between beneficial insects and pests;bench and bud grafting; fruit tree and nursery crop production, processing and marketing; drip irrigation installation and maintenance; making, processing and utilizing compost; healthy physical labor employing efficient and safe body mechanics; basic tractor driving skills, including backing a trailer; and a plethora of other skills tied to farming and orchard management. In addition to working in the nursery, apprentices will have opportunities to learn about top-bar beekeeping, vegetable gardening and other homesteading skills.
Start Date: Approximately March 14, 2016 (Apprentices will attend an orientation at the end of the week of March 14 in the Santa Fe area, then will officially start at the farm March 21.)
Application Deadline: December 1, 2015
Apply at:

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