Profits from Livestock Workshops, Minnesota

Nationally Known Grazing Author to Lead ‘Profits from Livestock’ Workshops Sept. 9-10 in Alexandria, Minnesota

Nationally known grazing expert and author Greg Judy will lead two days of workshops on how farmers and landowners can produce profits from pastured livestock Sept. 9-10 at the Broadway Ballroom in Alexandria. The charge for both days is $80, which includes meals. Attending one day of the workshops costs $50, which also covers meals (a limited number of scholarships are available). Pre-registration is required; to register and for more information, call the Land Stewardship Project’s Julia Ahlers Ness at 320-269-2105, or e-mail Click here to download the registration form. Also, a limited number of rooms are available for workshop participants at a discounted rate of $109 at the Hampton Inn in Alexandria if booked before Aug. 26. Call 320-763-3360 to make your reservation.


Judy and his wife Jan raise livestock on pastures managed with Holistic Planned Grazing near Rucker, Mo. Judy is a well-known speaker and regularly hosts grazing schools on his Green Pastures Farm ( He has written extensively on how planned grazing can help provide profitable opportunities on Midwestern farmland. Judy’s books, No Risk Ranching and Comeback Farms,describe how he used leased land and leased cattle to profitably expand his livestock enterprise.

During the workshops on Sept. 9-10, Judy will go in depth on the “no risk ranching” model of utilizing leased land, leased livestock and custom grazing to develop a profitable business. He will also provide details on setting up viable grazing operations. Part of the Sept. 9 workshop will consist of a pasture walk on an area operation where a beginning farmer is leasing former Conservation Reserve Program land for his beef enterprise.

These workshops are sponsored by Profits from Perennials (, a joint initiative of the Land Stewardship Project and Chippewa River Watershed Project, with funding from the Walton Family Foundation. Additional sponsors include the USDA’s Risk Management Agency, Minnesota Grazing Lands Conservation Association, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Thousand Hills Cattle Company, M State’s Sustainable Food Production Program and USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota are providing promotional support.

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