Farm Production Resources

Farm Production Resources for learning about crop and livestock production throughout the U.S. for farmers and gardeners of all experience levels.

See farm production resources for specific crops at the bottom of the page.

Vern Grubinger’s website, The Vermont Vegetable and Berry Page, published through University of Vermont Extension provides access to a wealth of information including books, video’s, factsheets, and links to useful websites and other publications. Some content is specific to Vermont, but much of it is not.

sof-300-crop-webGrubinger’s farm production resources are a great place to find detailed information about: Berry Production; Budgets; Crop by Crop Production; Energy on the Farm; Farm Web Sites; Food Safety and Processing; Gardening; Greenhouse and Flowers; Marketing and Management; Meetings and Events; Newsletters; Organic Farming; Organizations and Agencies; Pest Management; Publications and Factsheets; Rules and Regulations; Seeds and Plants; Soil Health and Compost; Supplies and Equipment; University Labs and Services; Vegetable Production; Videos; and Weather.

The website has extensive and well researched information and resources on soil health, plant nutrition, soil minerals, and fertilization. It is a fantastic resource for learning about how to grow healthy plants and animals by developing and maintaining healthy soil.

Agriculture Guide is a great site with a well done blog and lots of information on everything from drip irrigation and irrigation Systems, to greenhouses, fruit and vegetable production, mechanization, plant propagation, fertilizers, and more.

 Farm Production Resources for Organic Farmers:

For Farmers is a website providing useful resources and links on a number of topics. It’s kind of like an agricultural eBay with categories that include: Real Estate; Jobs; Ag Products; Services; Livestock; Crops and Seeds; Equipment; Daily Ag. News; and Special Features.small-tractor

 The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center is a comprehensive listing of resources on an extremely broad range of agricultural topics.

 The Missouri Alternatives Center has a nice list of publications and websites for and about beginning farmers.

 Seedsavers Exchange is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing and saving heirloom seeds and rare varieties.

 Iowa State University Extension’s Integrated Crop Management Page is a voluminous archive with hundreds, maybe even thousands of articles on every aspect of crop production you can possibly think of. It’s a phenomenol resource for crop farmers if you know what you are looking for. But the sheer volume of information can be almost overwhelming.

Illinois Small Farms provides information for the commercial small farmer as well as the small acreage landowner.

The Ecology WWW Page is a huge database of information on a dazzling array of topics related to ecology. It is provided as a free service to assists educators, students and researchers link to information related to ecology. It provides information on a number of topics specifically related to agriculture and farming.

The World Agricultural and Forestry Directory is part of the World Design Directory. It Is loaded with information about all sorts of agricultural issues, events, associations, colleges, journals, libraries, and web resources from all over the globe. provides a comprehensive Agricultural Directory of information and News on all sorts of topics related to farming and gardening. A great resource!

Check out these other great farm production resources from

Learn more about Permaculture at

Learn more about Composting at

Learn more about Grazing, Pasturing, Grass Feeding, and Rotation Management at

Learn more about Goat Farming at

Learn more about Mushroom Production at

Learn more about Urban Farming at

Learn more about Raising Chickens at

Learn more about Integrated Pest Management at

Learn more about Organic Seed Sources at

Find additional Farm Production resources at