Phoenix Permaculture Guild Farming and Gardening Workshops and Events, Arizona

Build a Permanent Herb Bed with Maya Dailey

January 23, 2010 from 8am to 12pm – The Farm at South Mountain Build a Permanent Herb Bed with Maya Dailey HANDS-ON, Limit 20 people Suggested Donation $20 Everything you wanted to know about creating a garden bed especially for growing vibrant, flavorful herb Organized by Administrator | Type: hands-on

Raising Chickens in Your Backyard with Rachael Bess

January 26, 2010 from 6:30pm to 8pm – The Tempe Transportation Center is located at 200 E. Fifth Street (near Forest and College avenues) at the base of A-Mountain. The class will be on the second floor in the Don Cassano Community Room. Learn how fun keeping chickens in an urban environment can be! Rachel will show you how easy it is to keep chickens in your backyard. Chickens in Phoenix? You bet! Chickens make great pets, efficien Organized by Christy Grace | Type: class

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course - Weekend 1

January 30, 2010 from 8am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course - 72 Hr Certification Course - Weekend 1 Saturday, January 30th from 8am to 5:30pm Become a Certified Permaculture Designer. What is Permaculture? Permacultur Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

Canning & Preserving Citrus with Chris Byers

January 30, 2010 from 9am to 10:30am – Maya's Farm You may have, or know someone with an abundance of ripe citrus fruit, free for the picking. Instead of only having this flavorful and juicy treat available for only a short period during the year, or Organized by Christy Grace | Type: class, demonstration

Bobbi's B.Y.O.G (CSA) Saturday Tour

January 30, 2010 from 10am to 12pm – Bobbi's B.Y.O.G (CSA) Requested Donation: $5 This is not an Open House. The tour will start promptly at 10:00 AM Tour a local CSA, located on an acre in central Gilbert. Bobbi's B.Y.O.G (CSA) 1/2 acre urban farm provides Organized by Administrator | Type: tour

Tree Pruning Class with Chip Satterlund, Eric Mytko and Greg Peterson

January 30, 2010 from 1:30pm to 4pm – community orchard Location: The corner of 3rd ave and Palo Verde - 1 block South of Bethany Home on 3rd ave. Requested Donation: $10 Each year we offer a fruit tree pruning class at the Urban Farm's other orchard whe Organized by Christy Grace | Type: class, workshop

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course - Weekend 1

January 31, 2010 from 8:30am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course - 72 Hr Certification Course - Weekend 1 Sunday, January 31st from 8:30am to 5:30pm Sunday Schedule: Check in and review Sector Analysis Site Assessment and Ma Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

School and Community Gardens – A Growing National Movement

February 13, 2010 from 9am to 11am – University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Maricopa County Calling All Community Builders!! City planners, gardeners, parents, chefs, food banks, hospitals, students and teachers (all levels pre-school through post – grad), mayors, sustainable business leade Organized by Administrator | Type: lecture

Building a Biodynamic Compost Heap with Maya Dailey

February 20, 2010 from 8am to 12pm – Maya’s Farm at South Mountain Building a Biodynamic Compost Heap with Maya Dailey HANDS-ON, Limit 15 people Suggested donation $20 Come down to the Farm at South Mountain and assist Maya in building a biodynamic compost heap. Bi Organized by Christy Grace | Type: class, hands-on

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – Weekend 2

February 20, 2010 from 8:30am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – 72 Hr Certification Course- Weekend 2 Saturday, February 20th from 8:30am to 5:30pm Saturday Schedule: Check-in and Review Site Tour and Logistics Water Harv Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – Weekend 2

February 21, 2010 from 8:30am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – 72 Hr Certification Course- Weekend 2 Sunday, February 21st from 8:30am to 5:30pm Sunday Schedule: Check-in and Review Zones Microclimates Guilds Chickens (i Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

Hands-on Herb Potting Class with Maya Daily & Doreen Pollack

March 6, 2010 from 9am to 10:30am – Maya’s Farm at South Mountain Learn how to create and actually make an herb container garden for yourself or to give as gifts. This hands-on class will show you and have you planting herbs in a container or pot that you bring. We Organized by Christy Grace | Type: class, hands-on

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – Weekend 3

March 13, 2010 from 8:30am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – 72 Hr Certification Course- Weekend 3 Saturday, March 13th from 8:30am to 5:30pm Saturday Schedule: Check-in and Review (zones on design, footprint, movies, Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

Ninth Annual Real Gardens for Real People Garden Tour

March 13, 2010 from 9am to 4pm – various The Master Gardener volunteers from the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Maricopa County announce the 9th Annual Real Gardens for Real People (RGRP) Tour to be held on Saturday, March 13, Organized by Administrator | Type: tour

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – Weekend 3

March 14, 2010 from 8:30am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – 72 Hr Certification Course- Weekend 3 Sunday, March 14th from 8:30am to 5:30pm Sunday Schedule: Check-in and Review Solar Ovens (and possible alternative hea Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – Weekend 4

March 27, 2010 from 8am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – 72 Hr Certification Course- Weekend 4 Saturday, March 27th from 8am to 5:30pm Saturday Schedule: Meet up… Settle in, Check-in and Review Leave for homesite Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

Earth Hour 2010, March 27, 2010 at 8:30 p.m. local time

March 27, 2010 from 8:30pm to 9:30pm – World Wide Event The Phoenix Permaculture Guild urges everyone to be involved with Earth Hour 2010 Earth Hour is the largest climate event in history where millions of people around the world will unite by turning o Organized by Administrator | Type: community event

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – Weekend 4

March 28, 2010 from 8:30am to 5:30pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – 72 Hr Certification Course- Weekend 4 Sunday, March 28th from 8:30am to 5:30pm Sunday Schedule: Check-in, review, Host Logistics Alternative building follow Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – Final

April 17, 2010 from 9am to 6pm – TBD Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course – 72 Hr Certification Course- Final Presentations Saturday, April 17th from 9am to 6pm Students present their final presentations and talent show. Spring 2010 Organized by Don Titmus | Type: pdc

5 Comments on Phoenix Permaculture Guild Farming and Gardening Workshops and Events, Arizona

  1. This is one of the best blog on this topic I have come across

  2. Hi
    I’m writing you because I have a some general questions about Permaculture in very hot areas.
    We live in Bullhead City Az, on 5 acres, with a well.
    We would like to be largely self-sustainable, but are unsure how hard that would be here in this desert – (I have been told that it’s the hottest inhabited area of the USA). Summers are regularly in the 120s in our yard/shade.

    (1) We can collect water, put up solar, raise chickens, but can we grow enough vegetables here to feed six people continually – (as complete beginners)?
    (2) Does it take several years to get permaculture up and running in a place that currently has no trees, few plants – (some Creosote Bushes, Cat’s claw, various “weeds”, no cactus) and VERY rocky ground?
    Someone suggested planting grown trees to jumpstart it, but that sounds expensive.

    Actually we’re considering a move – (if we can grow pretty easily here, we will stay, otherwise, we’ll move to where it’s easier).

    (3) Is there someone you know that we might call about this?

    Thank you!


  3. Hi, I’m in the NW valley and like Ken, want to see what we can do with growing some of our own fruits and vegetables. I came across your site and love the classes that you’ve had in the past. Are these classes that you planned and sponsored, or did you pull details from other sites? I’d love to take some beginner classes but have no idea really where to look. Thank you!

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