Permaculture Design Certification in PA

Permaculture Design Certification at Pendle Hill in Pennsylvania – September 15-27, 2019
With Koreen Brennan
$2150/private room; $1900/shared room; $1100/commuter
For more information about registration and financial assistance, please visit
This internationally respected Permaculture Design Certification Course developed by Grow Permaculture™ is focused on providing tools to create a regenerative life through the basics of food, shelter, energy, water, health, nature, and community. It is a mixture of theory, hands-on application, and group activities. The course will address strategies and techniques for both urban and rural areas in different climates and circumstances. Upon completion, participants will receive an internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certification.
The training is designed for participants of all skill levels. We will offer written materials and study aids and exercises before the course and urge students to use them, as you will get much more out of the course.
Pendle Hill is a 24 acre Quaker study, retreat, and conference center welcoming all located in Wallingford, Pennsylvania. Our half-acre garden provides vegetables, fruit, and herbs to the Pendle Hill kitchen.
Koreen Brennan has engaged in master planning, business incubation, and holistic economics using whole systems strategy and design, grown hundreds of species of edibles in a variety of conditions and climates, run edible nurseries, and has been a passionate educator for over 20 years. Koreen organized permaculture style disaster relief for thousands of Haitians living in camps after the 2010 earthquake, coordinated formation of the Sustainable Urban Agriculture Coalition St Petersburg, and organized natural building projects at Pine Ridge Lakota reservation. She has taught permaculture design for over ten years throughout the Americas and in Europe. A founding co-organizer for the North American Permaculture Convergence and the international permaculture Co-Lab effort (formerly known as The Next Big Step), Koreen serves on the Board of Permaculture Institute of North America.
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