Permaculture Design Certification Course, Ohio

An 8-Day Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) Course will take place May 14 – 21, 2011 at Blueberry Hill Farm in central OhioPermaculture Beekeeping

Permaculture educators Wayne Weiseman of The Permaculture Project and Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture will present a variety of subjects including:

•      Observation / Patterns; Principles / Ethics; Soil / Plants / Trees; Guilds / Polycultures; Water / Earthworks; Climate / Microclimate

Students will learn permaculture design principles suited for:

•      Urban & Suburban; Small Farm Strategies; Large Farm Possibilities

Topics to include:

•      Garden Management; Eco Building; Planning a Homestead; Aquaculture; Biofuels; Economics; Sustainable Living

Permaculture Design CourseThis eight day course includes pre-course online webinars, detailed handouts, course text and onsite hands-on practicum and instruction. Camping & meals are included.* The course cost is $1200.00 for eight days and your time commitment to study the pre-course materials.

For more information and registration, please go online to TO REGISTER BY MAIL, please use the form below. For more  information, please call 330.351.1886.

*Local lodging is available at your own expense. Special dietary needs will be addressed if you let us know in advance.


8-Day Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) Course Mail-In Registration Form May 14 – 21, 2011 at Blueberry Hill Family Farms



City:________________________________    State:_________  Zip:______________________

Phone Number:____________________  Email:_______________________________________

Please make check for $1200.00 payable to Mustard Seed Market & Café and mail, along with this completed form, to Mustard Seed Market & Café, Attn: Adria Owens, 6025 Kruse Drive, Solon, OH 44139.

Payment and completed form must be received no later than Monday, May 2, 2011.

1 Comment on Permaculture Design Certification Course, Ohio

  1. Gretchen Thomas // January 6, 2014 at 9:29 am // Reply

    Cannot believe I see ads for industrial farming products on your site.

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