Permaculture Conference in Massachusetts, 2012

The UMass Permaculture Initiative has announced the Permaculture Your Campus Conference in Massachusetts, 2012. This international conference is the first of its kind, connecting permaculture experts with groups who are brand new to planning sustainable, edible landscapes in a campus setting.
Permaculture UMass Conference
Attendees to this conference receive expert guidance, as well as the tools, the time, and the space to develop a detailed plan for implementing their own permaculture landscapes, suited to each institution’s personalized needs.  Those attending also have the opportunity to network with other groups, leading to valuable, lasting partnerships with peer institutions just starting permaculture projects.

For more information and registration information, see:

1 Comment on Permaculture Conference in Massachusetts, 2012

  1. permaculture design // October 8, 2013 at 5:09 pm // Reply

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