Pastured Livestock Farm School

pastured livestock farm school

Pastured Livestock Farm School, April 29-30, 2017 in Chillicothe, Ohio

Pastured Providence Farmstead is a small, sustainable, diversified, pasture-based farm located in Chillicothe, Ohio. Our heritage-breed animals are raised without any growth hormones, antibiotics, or chemicals. Both our cows and sheep are 100% grass-fed and finished, and our pigs, chickens and turkeys receive a non-GMO feed sourced from a local farmer to supplement their forage-based diet.
We consider ourselves partners with creation as we focus on producing healthy, natural food for our family and others. Our emphasis is on natural and synergistic processes, seeking to mimic nature and minimize external inputs. We are striving to heal the land and improve it for future generations, as well as share our values, methods and lessons learned with others in an attempt to both educate and encourage.
To that end, we are pleased to announce our first annual Pastured Livestock Farm School to be held on April 29-30! This event will focus on different livestock, sustainable ag, and business topics, and will include both academic and practical hands-on sessions. Our target audience are those who are considering starting or transitioning towards a sustainable livestock operation, as well as beginning farmers and ranchers looking for pathways to long-term success.
Through this inspiring educational opportunity, the Pastured Livestock Farm School is seeking to “equip both new and seasoned farmers for success in pasture-based animal agriculture”. These days, more and more people are actively seeking to source their food from eco-friendly, humane, health conscious, local farms, with the tidal wave of consumer demand only now beginning to swell. We believe that “sustainable agriculture” is the way of the future, and we want to help farmers prepare themselves for a profitable future in their agricultural enterprise.
You CAN produce good, healthy food for others while honoring nature and creation, make plans to join us in April and find out how! Early bird pricing for the Pastured Livestock Farm School is available through the end of March, and scholarships are available for active duty military and veterans. For more detailed information and to register for the event, visit

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