Pasture Workshop Series in Illinois

Pasture Workshop Series: Summer Pastures? Start Now! (Rockford, Illinois) Thursday, September 15, 2011 – 5 p.m.: Pasture Walk – 6 to 8 p.m.: Presentation

Lockwood Park Trailside Equestrian Centre, 5201 Safford Rd, Rockford IL; Adults $20, couples $30

Join University of Illinois Extension for three pasture workshops to be presented in 2011-2012

Do you know what plants are in your pastures? Weeds can rob you of potential forage for your animals. No matter how big or small your pastures are, it’s wise to regularly evaluate them. Fall is a good time to control many of the typical weeds found in pastures. The workshop will focus on general management principles for small livestock and horses, but all livestock owners are welcome. Topics include: identifying pasture plants, weeds, and toxic plants; weed control options; and using herbicides safely.

Pre-registration is requested by Friday, September 9, 2011 – THAT’S TODAY. Click Here to Register or contact U of I Extension-Winnebago County at 815-986-4357.

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