Pandemic Aid for Farmers and Food Systems

Farmers and Food Systems

Pandemic Aid for Farmers and Food Systems? Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Updates. Farmers Markets Are Essential. And Updated COVID-19 Resources from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition… 

The Senate is Negotiating Pandemic Aid: What Does It Mean for Farmers and Food Systems? 

This Monday, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) introduced the highly anticipated HEALS Act. This $1 trillion bill is the Senate Majority proposal for the fourth coronavirus response package (C4), which will serve as the starting point for Senate negotiations. In this post we examine the farm and food systems provisions of the HEALS Act, provide some legislative context, and discuss how Senate negotiations may shape a final package.


Changes to the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program and Likely More to Come 

While the shortcomings of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) are well documented, there were some minor improvements made earlier this month as part of an open comment period where USDA sought stakeholder input. The bulk of the changes made by USDA to CFAP was the addition of several new crops to the list of eligible commodities. This is of particular importance because as the number of eligible commodities increases, farmers have a better chance of qualifying for the CFAP program and the payments they might receive. Learn more about these changes in our blog below: 


Farmers Markets are Essential—And So Are the Policy Relationships They Hold

Editor’s Note: We want to thank Ben Feldman, Stephanie Fenty, and Hannah Fuller of the Farmers Market Coalition for this guest post on the challenges that farmers markets face in light of the persistent pandemic and in celebration of National Farmers’ Market Week, observed August 2nd through August 8th. 

As farmers market operators grapple with increased costs and declining income, many wonder whether they will survive the pandemic. Next week marks the 21st annual National Farmers Market Week, which provides us an important opportunity to reflect on the essential nature of farmers markets and the importance of strong partnerships and support networks. 


Updated COVID-19 Resources:

The coronavirus pandemic has presented enormous challenges to farmers, farm and food system workers, and consumers.The work of NSAC to help others continues to develop rapidly.

This page compiles all of the resources NSAC has received and will be updated on an ongoing basis as we learn about new available resources.

You can also read NSAC’s Statement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and find technical resources and analysis here.

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