Paid Internships to Start Your Own Farm: Growing New Farmers Incubator Program in New York State

“Growing New Farmers” Internship and Incubator Program in Delaware County, NY Farm Catskills now accepting applications for 2010

The Catskills is a farm-friendly region, with growing local and regional buyers, farmers markets, and opportunities for new farm businesses. Agriculture is an important part of the landscape, yet  access to training, land, and capital are some of the barriers that can deter new farmers from starting an agricultural enterprise.  Farm Catskills has developed the Growing New Farmers program to help nurture new farms in Delaware County,  and help those interested in agriculture start down a path towards a successful business.
New farmers can find the nurturing, supportive community they need in Delaware County through our highly tailored, individualized program.  Working one on one with each participant in the  program, we want to figure out how, together, we can help you meet your farming goals.  Depending on your own needs and resources, the “Growing New Farmers” program can provide you with paid training, business planning, or affordable access to land and equipment to start your own business.
If you are interested in starting your own farm or career in agriculture, please apply to the Growing New Farmers program.  In our internship track, hard-working individuals can gain the hands-on experience needed to succeed in agriculture and ultimately start their own farm.  A limited number of paid internships are available.   For those with the appropriate experience and interest in starting to farm, the Incubator will provide access to land, equipment, and a supportive community.

Application process:
1)      Submit the application and self-assessment form
2)      Farm Catskills will review the application and set up a follow-up phone interview to assess how we can help you meet your farming goals in Delaware County, whether through our internship or incubator programs, or through connecting you with other available resources.

The application can be found online at, or by e-mailing to request an application.   Any questions about the program?  E-mail us at

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