Our Farms, Our Future Conference

Our Farms, Our Future Conference Explores Sustainable Ag – St. Louis, April 2018
What’s your vision for the future of sustainable agriculture?
On April 3-5, NCAT and the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program will bring the nation’s leading farmers, ranchers, researchers, and educators to St. Louis to take on that question during the Our Farms, Our Future Conference.
They will address major food sustainability trends with presentations by a diverse group of farmers and ranchers using a wide range of innovative systems to sustainably produce vegetables, grains, fruit, cattle, hogs, poultry and other livestock.
The conference will feature plenary sessions and workshops for grain, livestock and specialty crop producers, along with cutting-edge material for researchers, educators, agency leaders, and non-profit representatives.
NCAT ATTRA Veteran Networking
On Monday, April 2, the day before the conference officially begins, NCAT, through its ATTRA program, will kick things off with a special networking session from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for military veterans. In recent years, ATTRA has offered “Armed to Farm” training for veterans around the country who are interested in sustainable agriculture as a career choice.
Veteran Success Story
The following day veteran Paul Grieve will give a presentation on the success he has enjoyed marketing pastured poultry products.
Paul is a Marine Corps officer turned certified public accountant turned pastured poultry farmer. He started farming in 2012 with 50 chicks his family ordered to satisfy a desire to eat chicken truly grown outdoors.
Since then, their farm has grown to one of the largest pastured poultry producers in the country, serving clients like Wolfgang Puck, the LA Lakers, and the LA Dodgers. They also serve more than 5,000 customers directly through their online retail business, Primal Pastures.
Other Conference Offerings
The Our Farms, Our Future conference also will feature sessions on Farm Policy; the First Years on the Farm or Ranch; Climate Change; Local Food Systems; and Soil Health as well as many educational sessions about a variety of production systems, including poultry, cattle, small ruminant, vegetable, grain, fruit, and others.
And participants will be able to get out and stretch their legs during eight farm tours that will showcase sustainable models of rural and urban agricultural production within the vibrant St. Louis food system.
Register Early
Early registration ends on February 22. Register today to save your spot and receive early registration discounts. For more information, visit https://ofof.sare.org.
Since 1976, the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) has been helping people by championing small-scale, local and sustainable solutions to reduce poverty, promote healthy communities and protect natural resources. More information about its programs and services is available at www.ncat.org or by calling 1-800-ASK-NCAT.
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