Organic Growers School Spring Conference, North Carolina

Registration for the Organic Growers School Spring Conference March 5 & 6 in Asheville, NC is now open. Visit to sign up.

This event, in it’s 18th year, is currently the largest sustainability convergence in the southeastern US, drawing attendees from over 17 states and Canada. It features over 120 workshops for everyone from beginning gardeners to advanced commercial growers, professional chefs, homesteaders and conscious consumers. We offer a kids program (ages 7-12), trade show, seed & plant exchange, silent auction, and  for the first time in 2011, we’ll be hosting a benefit concert on March 5th at the Orange Peel,  featuring the Firecracker Jazz Band.

Adult admission is $40/day before Jan 17th,2011. Kids ages 7-12  $30.

There is also a volunteer program that allows over 100 people each year to work in exchange for registration fees. More info online.

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