Organic Gardening Internship / Leadership Job in Colorado

Shambhala FarmShambhala Mountain Center Land Stewardship and Organic Gardening Internship/Leadership Job - June 1-Aug. 31, 2015

Shambhala Mountain Center is a 600-acre meditation retreat center in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado. This is an opportunity to live and work in a community aspiring toward mindfulness, sustainability and ecological integrity. This program is designed to teach individuals in a broad range of horticultural and environmental stewardship techniques while furthering the development of our gardens, trails, and land preservation projects. Participants in this program will work 30 hours per week and will have additional training, field trip, and discussion time.

Along with work expectations, Individuals may choose to participate in classes, talks, and activities open to Shambhala Mountain Center staff. Participants will be given meditation instruction and are expected to practice at least 30 minutes five days a week. There are many opportunities for group meditation and further instruction. Participants will also work three hours per week on community service, washing dishes, cleaning bathhouses, etc.

Ideal candidates will enjoy working outside in all types of weather conditions, on numerous projects, as part of a team, and have the physical ability to do some heavy lifting. They will embrace living in a retreat center community in a rustic natural setting. They will have a curiosity about the natural world and their own mind and a desire for hands-on training in environmental stewardship. If this sounds like you, come join Shambhala Mountain Center’s team of Environmental Stewards! We are also interested in leadership positions, so do not hesitate to apply if you feel you would like to take more of a leadership role.

Local Food Resources

2015 Summer Projects:

Organic gardening

Trail construction

Invasive species control

Native seed collection and cultivation


Erosion control

Wildlife habitat/inventory/monitoring


Supporting and participating in programs & sacred ceremonies

Maintaining a zen garden

And other projects!

Please submit resumes by April 15 to: Sophie DeMaio- Land Steward, 970-881-2184 ext. 271,

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