Organic Field Day in Indiana

NEPAC Organic Field Day In Indiana – Registration Closes on July 26th, 2021!
Should I transition some of my crop acres to USDA Certified Organic production? If you have been asking this question as you keep an eye on price premiums offered for USDA Certified Organic grain, an upcoming field day should benefit you.
Purdue Extension specialists and educators in northeastern Indiana are sponsoring Organic Field Day at Northeast Purdue Agricultural Center (NEPAC), southeast of Columbia City, on August 3, 2021. With partial funding by North Central Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education, the cost of the field day is only $20, which includes lunch.
The Northeast Purdue Agricultural Center (NEPAC) Organic Field Day will take place August 3 at the USDA Certified Organic grain production field at the intersection of South Raber Road and South Wait Road a couple of miles northwest from the main NEPAC farm at 4821 East 400 South, Columbia City, IN. Maps to the field will be available at the main farm. Check-in for paid, registered participants will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the organic field site (not at the main farm), and the program will begin at 9:55 a.m.
NEPAC recently completed the transition of one field to USDA Certified Organic grain production and marketed its first crop of corn last year. Come to see what we’ve learned so far.
The field day will feature several topics relating to organic production:
- What can I expect from an organic inspection?
- Disease management in organic field crops
- Marketing organic grain
- Field demonstration plots on weed control strategies
In the afternoon, the group will travel to interact with a current organic grain producer near Roanoke, IN, and view some of the equipment he uses. Participants will be responsible for their own transportation.
Pre-registration is required by July 26. To register for the field day, go to Registration will be limited to the first 40 paid registrants.
For questions about the field day, contact John Woodmansee, Extension Educator in Whitley County, at 260-244-7615 or Access a field day flyer with more information at:
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