Organic Farming Research Conference

organic farming research conference
OFRF’s 2018 Organic Farming Research Conference is January 26, 2018 at Rutgers University, New Jersey – Abstracts Due: November 3, 2017

Register now to attend the Organic Farming Research Conference.

OFRF, in partnership with the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey and Rutgers University, invite the submission of research abstracts for presentation at the 2018 Organic Farming Research Conference, taking place on Friday January 26, 2018 at Rutgers University immediately preceding the NOFA-NJ Annual Winter Conference. The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 3, 2017.

The symposium will feature talks from researchers, farmer and rancher researchers, students, and other agriculture specialists on topics related to organic farming and food systems, as well as from other systems of sustainable agriculture that employ techniques compatible with organic standards. The intent of the symposium is to provide current information to farmers, ranchers, extension staff, educators, agricultural professionals, and others interested in organic agriculture. 

We especially encourage conference participation related to the following priority topic areas:

•   Biological and cultural practices to manage insects, diseases and weeds
•   Market entry and transition to organic production systems
•   Soil health, quality and nutrient cycling
•   Agroecology and ecosystem services provided by organic farming systems
•   Holistic animal health and nutrition, grazing and pasture management systems
•   Breeding, selection of crops and animals, and seed systems suitable for organic production
•   Climate change mitigation and adaptation, including water conservation
•   Integration of perennials in organic farming systems and permaculture system design
•   Value-added production and processing without synthetic food additives and processing aids
•   Nutritional quality, health benefits and integrity of organic food
•   Organic agriculture’s impact on rural communities
•   Organic farm economics, marketing and consumer behavior
•   Innovative educational approaches to teach organic farming practices
•   Appropriate methods and practices for systems and on-farm research
•   Public policies to facilitate the transition to organic farming

Researchers are asked to submit an abstract not to exceed 500 words that includes the names of the co-authors, contact information, a working title, the topic area, an introduction that explains the context and purpose of the research, the methods used, and a brief summary of the results and conclusions. Cross-disciplinary papers are encouraged.

Presentations will be selected based on their innovative excellence, relevance to the research needs and priorities of organic farmers and ranchers, soundness of the methodology used, and the overall scientific quality.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 3, 2017. Abstracts should be sent to Joanna Ory at

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