Organic Farming Internship in Kentucky

local food grants

Kentucky Farm PictureInternship: Rolling Fork Organic Farm is a certified organic farm in the knobs of western Boyle County, Kentucky. We deliver twice a week to a co-op in Lexington & have a CSA in Danville. We have 3 internships available.

No experience is required though, a positive outlook & willingness to learn are helpful. Interns receive a weekly stipend, a room in the intern cabin, & any of the food we grow. Interns are responsible for any other groceries they may want (coffee, cereal, bread, snacks). Interns work 35 hours per week, harvesting, washing & packing produce, delivering to our markets & general farm maintenance. Personal transportation is not required & we can arrange pickup in Lexington or Louisville.

The skills you will learn @ Rolling Fork Organic Farm will enable you to manage & grow a profitable farm on your own. We are striving to be as sustainable as possible, we use cover cropping as a means to increase soil fertility & weed suppression. We have pasture raised pigs & chickens that are also part of our fertility plan. Crop rotation & companion planting are also part of our growing schedule.

Interested people can apply online : Or by emailing

Our hiring period is open. We would like someone who is available May through October.

More internship information is available here :

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