Organic Farm Management Positions in Winconsin – Malek Family Stewardship Farm

Two Organic Farm Management Positions open at Malek Family Stewardship Farm, Wisconsin.


This is a full-time position with work year round. Winter work is part to full time. The Assistant Farm Manager will be responsible for assisting in the planting, growing, harvesting, grading, packing, shipping, and marketing of certified organic produce. Planting includes starting transplants and direct seeding. Growing includes weeding, cultivation, and pest and disease management. Marketing includes contacting buyers and selling at the Farmer’s Market. The Assistant Farm Manager will be required to supervise field and packing shed crews. There is a great variety of produce and a lot of people to manage, so organizational and interpersonal skills are a must. Previous experience growing a variety of vegetables, and using/repairing farm machinery is desired but not required. This position starts immediately. The Assistant Farm Manager will be required to go through a training period, shadowing the current Assistant Farm Manager for the rest of the calendar year, being promoted to full Assistant Farm Manager after January 1, 2012. Applicant must have a valid driver’s license and a cell phone. Please call Chris Malek at 715-340-5366 or send an email to:


The Packing Shed Manager position consists of orchestrating the weekly CSA box packing and the filling of special orders to restaurants, co-ops, grocery stores, schools, and individuals.  For both the CSA box and the special orders, the Packing Shed Manager leads crews in harvesting (as needed), grading, and packing produce.  The Packing Shed Manager also keeps harvest records and writes sales invoices. This position requires close contact with Farmer and Assistant Farm Manager, as well as solid management, organization, and communication skills. Previous experience growing a variety of vegetables, and using/repairing farm machinery is desired but not required. This position is seasonal, starting April-June of 2012 and ending November-December 2012. Please call Chris Malek at 715-340-5366 or send an email to:

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