Organic Farm Job in Michigan 2012

Organic Farm Job in Michigan 2012 Located in Southwestern Michigan on 28 acres, outside the town of Three Oaks, Granor Farm grows over 40 organic vegetables and fruits. Our sustainable environmental practices are certified under the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program. Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association certifies the farm as USDA organic. Granor Farm participates in several Chicago-based farmers’ markets (Green City, Logan Square, Pilsen), is a member of the Purple Porch Cooperative in South Bend, IN and operates a 90-plus member CSA. Granor Farm was founded five years ago.   It includes two barns, one with a two-bedroom sleeping loft, a green house, two hoop houses and a modern two-bedroom home. The farm is equipped with three tractors, several implements, irrigation, a variety of tools and materials, a pick-up truck and box truck. See Images:

Farm Manager Job: The Farm Manager is responsible for all aspects of operating and maintaining the farm. The Farm Manager supervises a small seasonal workforce, summer interns and local volunteers.  The Farm Manager should expect to participate in field work and will be responsible for most business operations.

Granor Farm is seeking a dynamic person with farming experience to operate our farm.  The qualified individual will have strong experience in organic vegetable farm operations and have significant interest in and capacity to expand Granor Farm.  A college degree is preferred, but not required.  Additional experience should include: (1) creating and managing budgets using Excel; (2) using social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook); (3) willingness to drive to and from Chicago; (4) working directly with customers (e.g., CSA, restaurants, distillery, markets, cooperatives, grocers).

Compensation may be a combination of any of the following: salary; housing; use of vehicles; health insurance; and, revenue sharing, all subject to a candidate’s experience and length of commitment.  For a qualified candidate, the farmhouse may accommodate a candidate’s roommate, partner and/or family.

Qualified applicants should email a cover letter, resume and references to:

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