Organic Farm Job in Illinois

organic farm job

Organic Farm Job at Biver Farms in Illinois – 2019

Biver Farms (yes, pronounced like the animal) is a family owned and operated USDA certified organic produce farm located in Edwardsville, Illinois. The farm has been in production for over 25 years and organic since 1978. The farm became USDA certified organic in 1996. Farm practices include the use of Integrated Pest Management, BT for pest control, & organic fungicides. The farm is 47-acres with several fields, 30+ high tunnels, & greenhouses. The property also features ponds, horses, ducks, chickens, lots of kittens, farm dogs, and wooded areas.

We grow specialty crops for markets in the metro east area of Edwardsville Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri. Markets include Land of Goshen Market, SIUE, Tower Grove Market, Mid-Town Market, & Schlafly, we sell to select local restaurants, and wholesale to grocery stores and coops such as Local Harvest, FairShares & Wholefoods, and also sell plant starts to nurseries. Each year we have a seasonal CSA of about 30 members receiving a healthy share of the produce and sharing a potluck meal weekly. Sun gold cherry tomato is the main production crop.

Organic Farm Job

We are looking for a few qualified workers for the season with the option of working throughout winter and/or returning next season. Tasks will include:

  • Fieldwork
  • Greenhouse production
  • High tunnel production
  • Washing and packing
  • Deliveries & working markets

Applicants for the organic farm job must have a strong work ethic and be able to lift up to 30 lbs., work outdoors in extreme weather conditions, and distinguish various color shades. Applicants with tractor,  side-by-side experience, and enjoyment of sharing a cold brew after a good and hard days work with the crew, desired but not required.

If you’re interested in the organic farm job please contact the owner and Farm Manager, Keith Biver at 618-656-9082. Leave a detailed message with your name & number. The hiring process will most likely be a working interview so be prepared to show off your skills and hang with the crew!

Biver Farms

7307 Pinoak Road

Edwardsville, IL 62025


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