Organic Farm Interns Wanted in Oregon

Deck Family Farm in Junction City, Oregon has two immediate openings for full time, live in farm interns, $400/month stipend included. Humane handling and management intensive grazing systems are a core component of practice at the farm and therefor many hands are required to keep the farm viable, interns play a key role in this aspect.
General Description: Deck Family Farm is a 320-acre Certified Organic farm in the Southern Willamette Valley, focused on diversified production with the current focus on Oregon Tilth Certified Organic Meats, eggs, raw dairy and fruit. Deck stands on the principles of humane handling, conservation practices including riparian restoration and exclusion, and increased soil fertility through management intensive grazing.
The farm is family oriented farm with an “open gate” policy, meaning the farm is open to visitors any day but Sunday. Because there are many folks living and working at the farm community living skills are emphasized. The farm employs transparency of practice and has as part of it’s mission to help keep folks connected to their agricultural heritage.
Deck farm consists of: A small raw milk dairy – milking 10-15 cows throughout the seasons. The herd is a legal cooperative and owned by shareholders who pay for feed, care and milking of the herd. The farm also makes a small amount of butter, cheese, and yogurt for shareholders.
Heritage Red Wattle pigs on pasture. Birth to finish operation, Deck produces about 250-300 finished pigs per year. Newly weaned piglets are fed raw milk from the dairy and market pigs are finished on hazelnuts. Deck Family Farm Pastured Pork program is animals Welfare Approved (AWA).
100% grass fed and finished Certified Organic Heritage Galloway beef program employs a management intensive grazing system which has brought greater fertility to pastures and rotating crops of grains, legumes and grasses extends the grazing season to 8-9 months of the year. Deck finished approximately 30-40 beef per year.
AWA Organic layers for eggs and roasters for meat. All chickens are out on pasture during the day and housed in “chicken tractors” at night to prevent predation. Salim, the Anatolian Shepard does her best to keep them safe. Chickens are grazed behind and sometimes beside cattle. In addition to their great tasting eggs the poultry is an integral part of breaking parasite life cycles and bringing more fertility to the pastures.
Sheep – Flock size of 150 ewes. Lambing in early Spring. Current breeds are Romney, Dorset, Suffolk and Textile Much of the grazing of lamb is done on neighboring farms allowing interns to get to know the area.
Full farm CSA beginning Fall 2015 employs garden vegetables and fruit from Deck, produce and grains from neighboring farms.
Marketing 7-9 farmers markets, wholesale and restaurant sales, are a large part of the revenue for Deck. All farm interns are required to participate in this level of the business because it is the engine that drives profitability.
Deck is not a homestead operation but a for-profit business that requires economy of scale to successfully compete in the current economic model of industrial agriculture. The farm does not offer education in homesteading practices the program is more focused on what it takes to run a successful business than a subsistence homestead. Strong work ethic is a must.
6 month residential internship openings immediately. 6 day work week. 8-10 hour days. Positions open until filled. $400 stipend per month. All meals are provided. Most meals will be family style, with rotating cooking and cleaning chores. The farm loves vegetables and tries to have them at every meal, however the farm believes that animals are an intrinsic part of a balanced healthy food system and for this reason prefers NOT to accommodate vegetarian, vegan or gluten free diets.
No experience required, however must have strong desire to learn! Ability to work long hours, follow directions, lift 50lb+, and to work with a range of cultures and ages is highly encouraged.
Educational Opportunities: Humane handling, rotational and mob grazing, forage management, knotting, irrigation, fencing, milking, spreadsheets, marketing, birthing, community living dynamic, basic gardening, breeding programs and basic treatments, farm equipment, plumbing, electric wire and visits to neighboring farms.
The work day generally consists of dawn milking (6 AM right now) to Noon, lunch, a short rest and then a few hours more either in the afternoon or evening. The week is 6 days on 1 off. 8-10 hour days are the norm however days could be longer and we appreciate flexibility depending on the season and work load.
If interested: Please send the following:
1. A short paragraph explaining why you are interested
2. A description of the last three positions that you held or work that you did
3. The dates you held those positions
4. The phone numbers of the folks who were your direct supervisors.
Attention: Chris
Location: Junction City Oregon
Contact: Christine Deck
Phone: 541-998-4697
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