Online Farming Courses Starting in January

online farming courses
Join one of the upcoming online farming courses from the Cornell Small Farms Program: Climate Smart Farming, Holistic Financial Planning, Tree Fruit Production, and more!  
The Cornell Small Farms Program offers over twenty courses to help farmers improve their technical and business skills. Students connect with other farmers, work on farm plans, and gain practical tips without leaving their home. Course content can be accessed anywhere with a high-speed internet connection.
Most online farming courses are six weeks long. Each week features an evening webinar and follow-up readings, videos, and activities. Students and their instructors connect through online forums and live chat. If you aren’t able to attend the webinars in real-time, they are always recorded for later viewing.  


Online Farming Courses starting the week of January 15, 2018 include:


BF 102: Exploring Markets and Profits
Have an idea for a farm enterprise but not sure if it’s feasible? This course will help you explore the potential markets and profitability of your ideas. More…
  BF 107: Climate Smart Farming
In this course, learn to identify the key impacts on your farm, and develop a plan of action to both increase resiliency to extreme temperature and precipitation, as well as strategies to reduce your farm’s greenhouse gas footprint. More…
vegetables, produce, carrots, onions, garlic  BF 121: Veggie Farming Part 2

This course continues where BF 120 ends and covers vegetable production from transplanting to harvest, including in-season fertility, integrated pest management, weed control options, harvesting strategies, and tips for marketing your products. More…
hands, mushroom  BF 151: Woodland Shiitake Mushroom Cultivation
This course trains new and experienced farmers in the background, techniques, and economics of farm scale woodland mushroom production. More…
barn farm landscape  BF 203: Holistic Financial Planning
This course will help you with the delicate balancing act that all farmers must succeed in: balancing healthy profits with healthy land and a healthy farm family and personal life. More…
Apple Macintosh Fruit  BF 223: Tree Fruit Production
This course trains beginning tree fruit growers in fundamental concepts in orchard planning and management. More…
sheep, livestock  BF 232: Commercial Sheep Production
Have sheep or thinking about getting a flock? Producers of all experience levels will find something for them in this lively, wide-ranging course. More…

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