Online Courses for Beginning Farmers

Grow Your Dream: Online Courses To Help You Plan for Success

Would like some guidance on the development or expansion of a farm enterprise, but are unable to attend any trainings near you? Are you comfortable enough with a computer to consider learning online? Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Cornell Small Farms Program have created two new online courses to help you plan your marketing and understand the legal and regulatory logistics related to starting a farm business. Join experienced CCE educators and 25 of your farmer peers in a dynamic learning experience that incorporates both self-paced readings and real-time virtual meetings with discussion forums, homework activities, guest presenters, and developing a customized plan for your next steps in farming.

The Cornell Small Farms Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) present:

BF 201: Marketing What You Produce
Most of us go into farming with the thought of making some – or all – of our livelihood through the sale of what we make or grow. Successful farmers plan each aspect of their operation carefully, and marketing is no exception. Completion of this online program will enable you to create a marketing plan that will help you maximize your return on your investment.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least one of our 101-level online courses and/or completion of preliminary work in defining your farm or other agriculturally-based business goals and mission.

Course dates: 6 weeks beginning Thurs. Mar 4, 2010 and ending Apr 15.
Instructor: Laura Biasillo – CCE Broome County

BF 101: What Do I Need to Do to Become a Farm Business?
New farmers often ask “How does my enterprise officially become recognized as a farm?” This question has many answers, all of which you’ll learn as a participant in this course. The course is for aspiring or beginning farmers seeking to learn about the commercial, legal and tax implications of farming.

Course length: 6 weeks beginning Thurs. Mar 4, 2010 and ending Apr 15
Instructor: Steve Hadcock – CCE Columbia County

COST is $150 per course

TO REGISTER, or for more details on course format and requirements, please visit

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