Online Course: Berry Production – Cornell Small Farms Program

 Online Course: Berry Production – Cornell Small Farms Program

November and December 2013

Berries and bramble fruits are popular farm enterprises, and for good reason: when planned and managed well, they can be very profitable, and they make a great add-on to existing enterprises. Whether you’re totally new to farming or are an existing farmer considering diversifying into berry crops, the Cornell Small Farms Program’s online course BF 122: Berry Production – Getting Started with Production and Marketing provides a thorough introduction. You’ll hear practical, on-the-ground tips from successful farmers as well as the latest research and recommendations on site selection, cultural requirements and variety recommendations for major and minor berry fruits, post-harvest handling, and marketing berries.

The course runs Thurs. Nov 21 – Thurs. Dec 12, with webinars twice a week on Tues and Thurs evenings from 7:00-8:30pm EST (skipping Thanksgiving on Thurs. Nov 28. 

The cost is $200, but multiple people from the same farm may participate without paying extra. See for more on the course learning objectives, instructors, and outline.

BF 122 is part of the line-up of 12 online courses offered this Fall, Winter and Spring by the Cornell Small Farms Program. To learn more about each course, please visit From this site you can learn more about our instructors, see answers to Frequently Asked Questions, read details for each course, and view the calendar of course offerings for 2013-2014.

Courses often fill very quickly, so don’t miss your chance to sign up today!

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