On-Farm Food Safety Field Days, Michigan

Register today for MIFMA’s On-Farm Food Safety Field Days, Michigan.

The Michigan Farmers Market Association with funding from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will  be hosting three on-farm field days this summer for Michigan farmers, market managers and market stakeholders to discuss how to ensure food safety on the farm from production to the market.

The on-farm field days will be:

  • August 8, 2011 at Pond Hill Farm in Harbor Springs, MI
  • August 9, 2011 at Rock River Farm in Chatham, MI
  • August 15, 2011 at Uhlianuk Farm in North Branch, MI

The fee is $20 for MIFMA members and $30 for non-members to cover costs associated with meals, refreshments and materials. Please view agendas to see what will be covered at each training. Please call 517-432-3381 if you have any questions.
Maggie Smith, Administrative Assistant Michigan Farmers Market Association; 517-432-3381

MIFMA Facebook; MIFMA Twitter

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