Old Copper Farm Internships in WA

Old Copper Farm

Internships available on Old Copper Farm on Shaw Island in Washington State – 2019

Old Copper Farm on beautiful Shaw Island in the heart of the San Juan Islands of Washington State is seeking 1-3 interns for the 2019 growing season. We are a small, family run, sustainability oriented farm growing organic vegetables for our local market. We distribute our produce via a CSA program, a farm stand, and through the food cooperatives on San Juan Island and Orcas Island.

We are looking for help from the May 1st (or sooner) to October 15th. Interns are expected to work five, six hour days per week. Housing, utilities, and as many vegetables as you can eat are provided. A small stipend may be available after a probationary period and depending on experience. Farming experience is not required but willingness learn and work hard is. Interns must have a vehicle with insurance and pets are not allowed.

Old Copper Farm intern responsibilities will cover all aspects of growing and selling vegetables. This will include starting plants, preparing soil, transplanting, installing drip irrigation, garden maintenance such as weeding, harvesting, pest management, and fertilization, packing and distributing CSA boxes, running the farm stand, and more. By the end of the season, you will have a good understanding of what goes into running a small farm. We will work with you and show you the tools and methods we have adopted for growing tons of delicious vegetables. Additional educational opportunities on topics such as small engine repair, soil science, composting, and chicken raising for eggs and meat will be available.

If you are thinking about starting your own farm and would like to get some experience or just want to spend the summer working outside in a beautiful, quite environment, our intern program is a perfect option.

If you are interested in an application or more information, email Old Copper Farm at


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