North Carolina Farm Looking for Interns

Coon Rock Farm in Hillsborough North Carolina is looking for summer interns. They are accepting applications on a rolling base until all positions are filled.

At Coon Rock Farm They believe part of their mission is training other like-minded people to grow crops and raise animals in a sustainable and earth-conscious way. As many as and 10 interns live and work on the farm in the busy summer months and at least 4 interns live and work on the farm year-round.  As a family farm, interns are expected to work and live along side family members in all normal farm chores including planting, weeding, and harvesting of crops and the humane care of our varied livestock (cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and dogs}. Their goal is to teach what they have learned from their years of farming and also to learn from our interns as they share their own unique experiences and perspectives.

Here are a few more details:

Interns are expected to work hard. A typical summer schedule is a 10 hour day with a rest during the hottest part of the day.  Everyone works at least 5 days per week and often 6 days in the busiest times.  Winter is a little slower than summer but there is still a lot to do each day.

Interns are expected to participate in all farm activities including animal care. Coon Rock is a multi-species crop/animal farm and has no room for interns who are morally opposed to eating meat. If you prefer a vegetarian diet for health or personal choice reasons, that’s fine and you are welcome. But if you are offended by the raising and processing of animals for food, you will not be happy here.

Tasks include planting, picking, weeding, feeding and watering animals, as well as some animal processing (we do the chickens on farm), and selling. Coon Rock has an on farm market and sells at several local farmers markets. There is always something to do.

Interns are expected to be clean, neat, industrious, non-smokers, non-drug users and tolerant of others. Non-smoking means that you do not use tobacco or any other “weed” at any time.

You can not bring pets to the farm.  They have lots of animals already and can’t handle working pets into the mix.

They provide each intern with a place to live, food to eat, and a small stipend for spending cash. If you are looking for a high paying job, this is not the place for you. If, however, you have a love of learning and want to learn more about growing healthy, sustainable food and local food economies then this just might be your spot.

They prefer that you live on the farm for the internship as it is just easier and takes less fuel. Accommodations may include a room in a house or a travel trailer parked in the woods (you won’t know who goes where until all the interns are selected). All in all. They are pretty laid back and easy to get along with and like interns that are as well. It’s all about working hard while learning and having fun.

​​Please find the application at

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