Nonprofit Farm Internship in Virginia

nonprofit farm

Nonprofit Farm Internship at the TEDS Foundation in Virginia – 2021

Patrick County, Virginia – The T.E.D.S. Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization, based out of a 300-acre educational farm in Southwest Virginia. The T.E.D.S. acronym stands for Think, Eat, Do, Serve. All the food produced and served on the farm is chemical-, herbicide- and pesticide-free and as close to organic as absolutely feasible. The farm supports livestock, including seven cows (two of which are giving milk), a donkey, thirteen pigs, three turkeys, four ducks, and thirty chickens. Rotational grazing and silvopasture systems are beginning to be implemented. Five guard dogs protect the property. Additionally, the TEDS Foundation farm has two permaculture gardens in which herbs and vegetables are grown May through October. The 50-acres of the farm that are cleared grasslands yield all the hay required for the animals’ feed and bedding throughout the year. The forested mountains were select-cut a year ago, so the TEDS Foundation team is in the process of developing a fitness course on the logging trail system.

TEDS Nonprofit Farm Internship

The TEDS Foundation is seeking an intern to accelerate its adoption of regenerative agriculture and best land management practices. We envision a farm that exhibits state-of-the-art sustainable systems that are well-integrated with the natural processes of the land. A position is available for a full-time intern or a part-time intern who is completing online coursework simultaneously. We are seeking an intern who is passionate about sustainable, restorative agriculture and willing to relocate to the TEDS Foundation farm for the spring semester or a few months from March through August 2021.

Experience with taking care of livestock (or at least pets) is desired. A willingness to collaborate as part of a team is a must. Physical requirements are carrying and moving objects, like water buckets or feed bags for the animals. If you have a concern about a physical limitation, let us know and we can figure out a way for you to work around or overcome your physical limitation.

Honestly, every day is different, but can include feeding and watering the animals, building enclosures, maintaining equipment, installing improvements in the enclosures, rotating the animals into different pastures, addressing erosion issues, photographing the animals or vegetation around the farm, filming educational videos or reaching out to regional, like-minded organizations.

The TEDS Foundation will provide accommodations in a farmhouse, a guest house, or one of eight wood cabins along the crest of a hill. All-organic, prepared meals will be provided. Free Wi-Fi access is available in the farmhouse, guest house or an industrial kitchen with an adjacent picnic area.

The internship will be a phenomenal experience of implementing sustainable practices in a remote, natural setting. We adapt our holistic approach to stress, performance and healing to agriculture and forestry. The TEDS Foundation will also teach the intern about nutrition and exercises that comprise the TEDS holistic approach to living a sustainable and fulfilled life.

As the TEDS Foundation presents a holistic approach to living, we do have a few lifestyle rules for those living on the farm

  • No consumption of alcohol or drugs
  • No consumption of non-organic food or unnatural cosmetic/hygiene products. We can provide organic/all-natural substitutes.

How to Apply

To apply for a nonprofit farm internship at TEDS, please complete this form or email a personal statement of why you would like this role and what you envision contributing to the TEDS Foundation to

Also, please enclose the dates that you are available. If your availability is uncertain, we completely understand, feel free let us know.

If you have any clarifying questions, you are welcome to include those in your email. Ciara will do her best to get back to you within a few days.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, but a preliminary review of applications will be completed early March 2021, so please aim for getting your application email or form submitted by then.


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