NOFA Mass Beginning Farmer Mentorship Program
The application for the 2015 NOFA/Mass Beginning Farmer Mentorship Program is now live!
The NOFA/Mass Beginning Farmer Mentoring Program is a 12-month program that aims to help fill the education gap between apprentice and independent farmer. By pairing mentees with experienced growers who are not their employers, the program enables aspiring farmers to gain farming experiences, skills, and perspectives that they otherwise wouldn’t get in their day-to-day work. If accepted, the program begins on February 1st and lasts for 1 year.
THE DEADLINE for the 2015 mentorship program is January 20, 2015.
NOFA/Mass will offer mentees:
- Mentorship: As a NOFA/Mass mentee you will have the opportunity to work with an experienced farmer who will serve as a mentor. NOFA/Mass will pay that person for his or her role in your education. Mentor-mentee arrangements will vary from one relationship to another and are up to both participants to negotiate and maintain on a case-by-case basis. If you are selected as a mentee, NOFA/Mass will work with you to connect with a farmer who would be a good fit for you, given your interests, experience level and location, among other factors.
- An educational stipend: As a NOFA/Mass mentee you will be able to use $100 worth of educational vouchers to attend any NOFA/Mass workshop or conference during the 12-month program.
NOFA/Mass expects all mentees who go through the mentorship program to:
- Articulate to NOFA/Mass what you are interested in learning through a relationship with a farming mentor.
- Check in at least monthly with the mentor, by email, phone, or in person, and visit the mentor’s farm at least once during the 12-month program.
- Complete 4 quarterly evaluations, using a template provided by NOFA/Mass
- Be a member of NOFA/Mass in good standing. To become a NOFA/Mass member go here:
Questions?: Email Beginning Farmer Program Coordinator, Suzy Konecky at
Program Application:
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