New Survey for Massachusetts Beginning Farmers

There is a new survey for Massachusetts beginning farmers aimed at learning about available resources and resource needs. All beginning farmers in the state are encouraged to participate.
Are you a beginning farmer in Massachusetts or do you know someone who is? Please take a moment to take our Beginning Farmer Resources survey! This survey is part of a larger assessment of the resources available to beginning farmers in Massachusetts and is a project of the Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts. We are hoping to learn about quality, available resources while also identifying any existing resource gaps. Your feedback and time are very valuable to us – thank you for taking a moment for this quick survey!
At the end of the survey, you can proceed to the Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts’ webpage to learn more about who we are and what we do!
Janel Wright
Beginning Farmer Resource Coordinator
Coordinator, Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project
45 Merrimack Street, Suite 500
Lowell, MA 01852
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