New Entry Field Training: Irrigation and Water Management 4/22

Join the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project on April 22, 2010 at 4:00 pm for a workshop on Irrigation and Water Management. The training will be held at 1471 Bridge St., Dracut, Ma.

April showers dampening your afternoons? Not to worry, the dusty days of summer are sure to arrive faster than you can say, "Broccoli"! What better way to be prepared for the hot summer months than by learning how to provide water to your crops for the times when the rains have stopped falling. Join New Entry in the fields next Thursday and learn how to plan for this season's inevitable months of sparse rainfall. Together we will install a drip irrigation system and you will learn about water conservation, water requirements for certain vegetable crops, and basic installation, maintenance and teardown of a drip system.

The Field Training will begin at 4:00 pm and will end at approximately 6:00 pm. This is the third workshop in the Spring/Summer series. To view a schedule of all workshops, please go to

Please register in advance by replying to The cost for each field training is $15, free for New Entry graduates.


The Equipment Field Training will be held behind the Richardson’s Dairy.

DIRECTIONS TO RICHARDSON’S DAIRY, Dracut, MA: 1471 Bridge Street (Rte 38), Dracut, MA 01826

FROM BOSTON OR EAST: Route 93: Take Rt. 93 North to exit 46, Rt. 110/113 Methuen/Dracut. At the exit, circle the rotary and follow Rte 113 WEST to Dracut. Follow Rte 113 West approximately 7 miles (continue past Dracut fire station and past a shopping area with Post Office and hardware store). At next stoplight past shopping area – turn right onto Arlington Street. Go about 3/4 mile to another light which is Bridge Street. Turn Right onto Bridge Street and the Dairy is ½ mile down the street on your left.


Take 495 to the Lowell Connector, drive to the end of the Connector (Exit 5C). Turn left onto Gorham Street and continue north to a split, bearing right towards Bridge Street. Cross the bridge. After approximately 2 miles, you will see the Market Basket plaza on your right, keep going straight to the stoplight at Rte. 113. Continue straight on Bridge Street and the Dairy is ½ mile down the street on your left.

FROM LOWELL: Get onto Bridge Street from downtown towards Dracut. After approximately 2 miles, you will see the Market Basket plaza on your right, keep going straight to the stoplight at Rte. 113. Continue straight on Bridge Street and the Dairy is ½ mile down the street on your left.

PARKING: At the Dairy, please park on either side of the ice cream stand and walk around to the right of the building to the farmland. Please carpool if possible, parking is limited and we want to keep adequate parking for the Dairy customers.

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