National Organic Coalition Testifies at USDA/AMS Proposed National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement Hearings, Monterey California

Important information on Food Safety Legislation from The National Organic Coalition (NOC):

USDA Agriculture Marketing Service has been holding hearings this week in Monterey, California to consider  a proposed “Leafy Green Marketing Agreement”  which would authorize the industry to develop a national marketing agreement for farmers and handlers of leafy greens which supposedly addresses food safety issues for these products.  These hearings will continue throughout the country in Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Arizona, New York, and North Carolina (see the Federal Register Notice of this proposal) in the next several weeks.

National Organic Coalition members share a concern about food safety and a strong belief that diversified, conservation-oriented farming systems with abundant wildlife habitat are highly compatible with safe food, and in fact, are part of the solution.

We agree that there is a food safety problem in this country.  We disagree that the National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (NLGMA) is the appropriate solution to the problem.

Read the testimony of Steve Etka, Patty Lovera and others, from the USDA/AMS Proposed National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement Hearings on our website National Organic Coalition.

See video tapes of the Monterey, California hearings, as they become available.

For a background on Food Safety issues, see
Bridging the GAPs a Food and Water Watch report on Strategies to Improve Produce Safety, Preserve Farm Diversity and Strengthen Local Food Systems.

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