National Good Food Network Webinar: Building Regional Food Systems

NGFN Webinar: April 15, 3:30-4:45 PM ET

Building Regional Food Systems, Part 1: Foundational Definitions and the Northeast Register Now

Our monthly NGFN Webinars are interactive sessions that give you the opportunity to learn and connect with on-the-ground practitioners and experts.

What is a regional food system? What makes it different from a local, national or global food food system?

Regional food thinkers Kathy Ruhf and Kate Clancy present some new ideas about regional food systems, along with recent efforts the Northeast has made to understand and strengthen its food system. They will share the results of a large survey of regionally focused food value chains, and talk about how a broad regional network is supporting cross-sector food system development in the Northeast.

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    The Southwest US is a diverse and culturally rich region with many small farms, but it also has high rates of poverty and food insecurity. Hear from innovative National Good Food Network Regional Lead Team projects in the Southwest that are linking diverse communities, supporting local economies, and increasing access to healthy food in ways that build on the region’s cultural traditions of the region.

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