Maryland Field Days and Workshops

Upcoming Maryland Field Days & Events at Future Harvest CASA – 2019
Maryland Field DaysEvent Highlight: 3/23 Business and Legal Considerations for Your Farm, 8:30 am-1:30 pm, Upper Marlboro, MD
FHCASA sponsored: Learn about business and legal principles associated with managing a farm operation and how to comply with the complex network of laws and policies protecting the state’s food system and environment. $15, Includes lunch and access to on-site lenders. Register here!
Upcoming Maryland Field Days & Workshops
3/23 Business and Legal Considerations for Your Farm, 8:30 am – 1:30 pm in Upper Marlboro, MD (Southern MD). FHCASA sponsored: Held at the Prince George’s County Soil Conservation District, 5301 Marlboro Race Track Road, Upper Marlboro, MD. $15, Includes lunch and access to on-site lenders. Learn about business and legal principles associated with managing a farm operation and how to comply with the complex network of laws and policies protecting the integrity of the state’s food system and environment. Register here.
4/6 Utilizing Annuals to Finish High-Quality Meats, 9:00 am-1:00 pm at Clagett Farm, Upper Marlboro, MD (Southern MD). Join Michael Heller, Farm Manager at Clagett Farm, Jeff Semler of Maryland Extension, and Brian Campell of NRCS for a hands-on look at how to incorporate annuals into pasture for high-quality meats. Plus, hear an update on the Southern Maryland Meats program from SMADC’s Craig Sewell, and an introduction to Future Harvest CASA’s new Go Grassfed campaign. Includes a light local lunch. Register HERE.
4/28 Introduction to Permaculture: Food Forest Design and Planting, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm at Pearlstone Center, Reisterstown, MD (Central MD). Held in collaboration with Pearlstone Center, Pearstone’s Chief Stewardship Officer Greg Strella and Perennials Manager Perri DeJarnette will offer an introduction to food forest concepts and design followed by a hands-on workshop to planting a ¼ acre food forest. Registration coming soon.
6/30 Introduction to Permaculture: Site Analysis for Permaculture Design, 1:00 – 4:00 pm at Pearlstone Center, Reisterstown, MD (Central MD). Held in collaboration with Pearlstone Center, Patty Ceglia, a regional permaculture design matriarch, and Greg Strella, Pearlstone’s chief stewardship officer, will demonstrate and guide participants through practice site analysis, map sketching, zone planning, and other permaculture design exercises. Registration coming soon.
Maryland Field Days and Events are presented by Future Harvest CASA, whose mission is to provide education, networking, and advocacy to help build a sustainable Chesapeake foodshed, where food flows from farm and fishery to table in ways that strengthen farming and the regional food economy; protect our land, water, and air; and provide healthy, nutritious food that sustains the region’s communities and cities.
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