Local Foods College

Local Foods College – University of Minnesota Extension
An interactive distance learning opportunity for gardeners and farmers interested in community-based food systems.
Join us in 2017 for the 6th annual Local Foods College webinar series! These FREE online classes are available to anyone interested in strengthening food systems, and run from January 24 through March 14, 2017. Sessions are held Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and can be viewed from any computer with internet access.
Local Foods College is free but registration is required:
2017 Local Foods College Dates & Topics
January 24 Disease Management in a High Tunnel – Presenter: Michelle Grabowski, UMN Extension
High tunnels provide unique environments that can be highly beneficial for plant growth, crop quality, and yields. However, there are disease issues that can crop up that differ from field grown crops. In this session, Michelle Grabowski from UMN Extension will provide guidance to growers on how to manage diseases in high tunnel production.
January 31 Postharvest Handling – Presenter: Lisa Baker, Baker’s Acres
This session will cover a set of Harvest-to-Sale resources created by Laura Frerichs (Loon Organics), Lisa Baker (Bakers’ Acres), and Joan Olson (Prairie Drifter Farm) for the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture. Topics covered will include harvest techniques, cleaning and cooling fresh produce, packing area infrastructure, sorting and grading produce, transportation of fresh produce, and more.
February 7 Sheep on a Small Farm – A Natural Fit
February 14 Soil Health
February 21 Cottage Food Law
February 28 Accessing Capital for Growing your Commercial Scale Production
March 7 Seed Saving
March 14 Raising Poultry for Fun or Profit
Public Viewing Sites in Minnesota
Hosted viewing sites offer participants the opportunity to view the live webinar in a community setting with neighbors or colleagues. If you’re interested in hosting a viewing site open to the public, please contact Molly Zins (zend0007@umn.edu or 218-828-2332). As viewing sites are confirmed, the addresses and contact information will be posted on the Local Foods College website.
Winona County Office Building
202 W 3rd Street
Winona, MN 55987
Jake Overgaard
Dates: 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/28 and 3/7
Jenkins City Hall
33861 Cottage Avenue
Jenkins, MN 56474
Donna Stricker
UMN Extension Regional Office
510 County Road 71, Ste 119
Crookston, MN 56716
Rose Clarke
For more information, please contact Linda Kingery kinge002@umn.edu
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