Local Food Marketing and Ag Politics

Sustainable Agriculture Wins in the latest Coronavirus Relief Act and Government Funding Bill, and Fill Out the NASS Local Food Marketing Survey Today
Government Funding Bill – Sustainable Agriculture Wins
With the country facing an imminent government shutdown, the President finally signed the Emergency Coronavirus Relief Act of 2020 on December 28th, which includes $23.395 billion in discretionary funding for food and agriculture programs.
Overall, NSAC is very pleased with the final FY 2021 appropriations for agriculture spending and the $217 increase above the FY 2020 enacted level. One of the biggest highlights for NSAC is the inclusion of $40 million for the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) only competitive research program focused entirely on sustainable agriculture. The $40 million provided to SARE is a record high for the program, which is authorized at $60 million. For a more detailed breakdown of appropriations for NSAC core issue areas, visit our blog below:
NASS 2020 Local Food Marketing Survey Needs Farmers Input
In 2015, The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) launched its first-ever Local Food Marketing Practices Survey to produce data on farmers’ marketing practices and fill in the data gaps on local and regional food economies. The 2015 survey analyzed producers’ consumer marketing practices across specific marketing channels among direct-to-consumers retail, intermediaries, and institutions across local, regional, and national food systems.
At the beginning of January 2021, NASS delivered the 2020 Marketing Practices Survey on Local Food to 36,500 farmers nationwide to obtain new data on local and regional food production and marketing practices. The second round of the survey is currently underway through February 16, 2021. Results from the survey will be released in November 2021. For more information, read our blog:
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