List of Soil Surveys by State from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

“This Web site ( lists soil surveys that have been published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture since 1899.

Soil surveys furnish soil maps and interpretations needed in giving technical assistance to farmers and ranchers; in guiding decisions about soil selection, use, and management; and in planning research and disseminating the results of research. The surveys also are used in educational programs about soil use and conservation.

A soil survey published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that is still in print can be requested from the state or local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. In addition, many libraries keep published soil surveys on file for reference. Also, soil conservation district offices and county agricultural extension offices have copies of local soil surveys that can be used for reference.

As time passes, the data in published surveys become dated. The official information about the soils in a given area is available from the Soil Data Mart, which provides the most current data about the soils. If spatial data are available, the Web Soil Survey also provides access to the most current information. It is an interface that allows the user to define an area of interest, to view and print a soil map, to assess soil data about the area, and to obtain information about the suitability of the soils for selected uses.”

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