Learn natural building and integrative farming fall 2013 in Costa Rica

Learn natural building and integrative farming fall 2013 in Costa Rica This September discover the magic of Integrative Farming and Natural Building in Costa Rica! Join a life-changing program on Raices del Sol [] stunning private wildlife refuge for an intense learning experience filled with discovery and adventure. This fall's 3-month internship is a multifaceted program intentionally created to provide participants with a detailed, whole-system skill-building curriculum []. At Raices del Sol, they teach a whole system so interns learn more than just how to farm naturally or how to build a house naturally. They approach these questions from many different angles and live them daily at the farm. Interns’ abilities and understanding progress throughout the program to a point where they can carry them on no matter what they choose to do afterwards. Interested? Here are some of the program's highlights:

Integrative farming

Experience first-hand a unique style of farming and develop the skills to grow food naturally! RDS’s alternative agriculture happens in the gorgeous mountains of tropical Costa Rica, but the principles can be applied anywhere. You’ll understand what permaculture, agroforestry, biodynamic and organic farming mean on the ground. They practice horse and man powered farming and the farm is a whole system where wildlife and biodiversity play an active part.

Natural building

Build a natural house from the ground up! Take on the fascinating journey of building a structure from the ground up using natural materials and construction methods.This unique internship opportunity will give you the knowledge, skills, and experience to build naturally – not only in the tropics but practically anywhere since you’ll acquire the tools and know-how to understand your local natural surroundings and make the best of them.

Communal farm life

Experience the life on the farm and participate in the fascinating daily routine, surrounded by nature and beauty all around. Work includes animal husbandry, care for the various crops, gardens and fields, tree planting, trail maintenance, wildlife and habitat preservation, communal meal making, and so much more. You’ll also learn everything there is to know in the fascinating world of Farm to Table. Oh and yes, you’ll make tortillas too.

Learn more at!

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