Laying Hen Manager Job in Georgia

Laying Hen Manager Job Available at White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia – 2018
Company Description
White Oak Pastures is a multi-species farm that raises livestock on pasture and slaughters in our on-farm abattoirs. We raise broilers, laying hens, guineas, geese, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, hogs, goats, sheep, and cattle on over 4500 acres of pasture, savanna and forest in southwest Georgia. Our farm is a 150-year-old multi-generational family farm that cooperates with nature to produce artisan products. We are located in Bluffton, Georgia
Job Description
We are seeking a laying hen manager to join our pastured poultry team. This full-time position provides a unique opportunity to participate in managing one of the foremost pasture-based livestock operations east of the Mississippi River, and further develop skills in all aspects of farm management, especially in the context of poultry on pasture amidst ruminants. The pastured laying hen operation at White Oak Pastures includes five flocks of 1000+ laying hens contained within electronet paddocks, always on the move.
For the laying hen manager job, prior experience working with poultry, particularly laying hens, is desired. The ability to drive a tractor and general knowledge of the common tools and equipment for pasture-based management of livestock are advantageous. However, of greater importance is a general understanding of holistic management concepts for pasture-based livestock systems and a keen interest to practice on a large scale. We are looking for a candidate who is willing to commit to dedicated work to ensure operational success, and is passionate about health, land regeneration, and animal husbandry. Upward mobility within the organizations exists for outstanding employees.
Activities will vary depending on the season and animal needs but include: tending pastured laying hens; flock observation; resource management (temporary fencing, water, and feed); egg collection; working with and managing laborers; coordinating multiple species in a pasture; infrastructure maintenance, including repairing and upgrading shelters and nest boxes; brooding new flocks of laying hens to ensure stable production; coordinating with the egg processing manager, director of marketing, and poultry manager; pasture planning with production managers for other species.
Health insurance is offered through White Oak Pastures and is substantially subsidized.
The Laying Hen Manager Job is paid, $13-$15/hr DOE
To apply for the Laying Hen Manager Job, please send a cover letter email and resume to and include references.
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