Launch or Improve Your Farm Business

Launch or Improve your Farm Business with Stateline Farm Beginnings – Beginning Farmers Training in the Upper Midwest – 2019-20
Don’t miss your chance to launch or improve your farm business as you learn the secrets of setting up a sustainable farm business! Stateline Farm Beginnings is a yearlong training program designed to help Wisconsin and Illinois farmers evaluate and refine their farm business to develop a tailor-made farm business plan, and begin to view the farm holistically. Course sessions are held during the off-season at Angelic Organics Learning Center where students can enjoy views of our Scottish Highland and goat herds.
Program Components to Help You Launch or Improve Your Farm Business:
- Winter Course Sessions (October 2019 – March 2020)
- 10 sessions of farm business planning, led by some of the most innovative farmers and experts in the Midwest.
- Field Day Workshops (October 2019 – October 2020)
- Training events on different topics, hosted at sustainable farms.
- One-on-One Mentorship (April – October 2020)
- Matched with a farmer-mentor in field of interest during growing the season.
- Last Session & Graduation Event (September 2020)
- Share summer-time experiences and celebrate the completion of the course!
Stateline Farm Beginnings® is a yearlong program designed to help launch or improve your farm business. Participants learn sustainable farming practices used on real farms, develop a tailor-made farm business plan, and begin to view the farm as an interconnected system. Participants also gain knowledge from some of the most innovative farmers and experts in the Midwest while creating lifelong friendships within a new farming network. The program also offers opportunities to access land and equipment.
Stateline Farm Beginnings attracts both rural and urban participants from Chicago, Rockford, Milwaukee, Madison – and everywhere in between. We also encourage veterans to apply! The program has graduated nearly 300 sustainable farmers (read Graduate Profiles) in our region. Stateline Farm Beginnings is part of the Farm Beginnings Collaborative. The Farm Beginnings model is emerging as the most effective way to increase the number of beginning farmers building food & farm economies that are green, fair, and healthy. Farm Beginnings is approved as an educational provider through the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Completion of this course fulfills the educational requirements for FSA loan applicants.
Apply Today!
Enrollment Ends September 22nd
- Learn more about beginning farmer training programs at
- And get loads of other great farming resources from
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