Jobs: Robotic Farm in Maryland

Jobs: Summer intern and Farm Manager on Robotic Farm in Maryland, 2013 We are seeking summer interns and a farm manager for our pilot robotic hydroponics farm powered with renewable energy in Germantown, Maryland. Our many grow system is nutrient film technique, but you also learn drip bucket and float pool hydroponic methods. Interns with marketing, programming and engineering skills are also sought. We are also seeking a long term farm manager.


We have 4 more greenhouses to erect and put into production and want to build out at least 12 acres of greenhouse on our current site. We also have two satellite farms in local high schools and will be continuing to launch neighborhood farms as we progress.

Interns and farm manager will have the opportunity to use our technology to start their own farms, if they desire.

Interns and farm manager are paid on a crop share basis.

Please visit to find out more.

Peter James



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