Jobs: Farming and Education Positions at Non-Profit Farm, New York

Jobs: Farming and Education Positions at Phillies Bridge Farm Project, New Paltz, New York, 2013 Phillies Bridge Farm Project, in New Paltz, NY, offers practical apprenticeships and internships in sustainable agriculture and farm-based environmental education. We are a non-profit educational working farm growing diversified vegetables on five acres of a 65-acre property between Gardiner and New Paltz, NY. Our produce is utilized in our on-site education programs and is distributed to our 200-member CSA, local restaurants, and area low-income families. In addition, we raise chickens and goats for eggs and meat. Our education programs offer school children, local youth, CSA members, and the general public opportunities to learn about and participate in sustainable local food production, in keeping with the farm’s mission. The following positions are currently available: Farming Apprentice (June-October) Summer Education Intern (June-August)

Farming Apprentices learn methods and practices involved in producing diverse crops of vegetables and flowers without chemicals. Apprentices receive training and practical experience in greenhouse work, field work, harvesting, cultivation, irrigation, care of livestock, general farm maintenance, and CSA distribution. Apprentices also learn about preserving, crop scheduling, harvest management, farm equipment care and use, and local marketing. Farming Apprentices are expected to work hard alongside the Farm Managers 5 1/2 days a week, with a rotating animal and greenhouse chore schedule requiring additional weekend hours.

Summer Education Interns receive hands-on educational experience on our working educational farm. Interns work with children ages 5-12 at our farm-based summer camp, where they lead small groups in fun and creative activities developed to demonstrate and celebrate the cycles of nature that produce our  food. Interns also work with parents and their preschool-aged children in our Growing Together program, assist with educational birthday parties, lead farm tours for visiting children and families, and assist at our monthly Pizza & Movie Nights.

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