Job: Vegetable Market Farm Manager, Minnesota

Duluth Community Farm (DCF) seeks self-motivated/directed person(s) with some food production experience to manage the vegetable market farm the first season (2011) on DCF lands, corner of Riley and Jean Duluth Roads north of Duluth, MN.  Duties include:  start seeds, develop a business plan, keep farm records, control weeds, build the soil, erect fencing - high tunnels - sheds, planting, irrigation, harvest, marketing, & coordinating with other DCF users and DCF steering committee representatives.

Successful candidate must be able to perform strenuous labor in all weather for long hours as necessary.  Ability to engage with public and volunteers essential.  Farmer will be a contractor paid via a percentage of their sales.  Farm operating, supplies and equipment costs will be covered by DCF.  DCF will provide marketing, labor, and mentoring assistance.  Hours and days of duty will be as needed.  Farm must be kept in a neat, workman-like manner.  Tractor & implement operation experience a plus.  First year will entail much weed control, soil building, and set up of infrastructure and systems.  Planned crop for first year is mid to late season vegetables.   Planned marketing strategy this year includes farmers markets and institutional sales.
The Duluth Community Farm is a community based and sustainably developed social enterprise devoted to production, demonstration, and education around food, farming and gardening.  The mission of the DCF includes incubating beginning and early-career farmers for defined use of DCF lands.  DCF may also host plots by enterprise farmers and organizational farmer-gardeners.  Job description available at To apply send a resume & references to (preferred) or Kelly Smith, 165 Korby Road, Esko, MN 55733 by March 21st, 2011.  FFI call Kelly, evenings, at 218-879-3829 or email.

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