Job: Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor at the University of Vermont

Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor at the University of Vermont, in the Community Development and Applied Economics Department, Public Communication with Focus on Food Systems

The University of Vermont (UVM) invites applicants for a tenure-track, assistant professor position within the Department of Community Development and Applied Economics (CDAE) with expertise in public communication and a food systems research agenda. Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2010, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Funding has been secured for the position and the successful candidate is expected to start in the fall of 2011.

The CDAE Department is a transdisciplinary unit with its scholarly activity focused on sustainable local, regional and international communities through interdisciplinary research, education, and associated outreach. CDAE offers undergraduate majors in Public Communication, Community Entrepreneurship, and Community and International Development. We also offer a Master of Science degree in Community Development and Applied Economics, and a Master of Public Administration degree (MPA). A Master’s Degree in Food Systems is currently being developed. UVM recently identified three “Spires of Excellence” in which it will strategically focus institutional investments and growth over the next several years. These are Food Systems; Neuroscience, Behavior and Health; and Complex Systems. CDAE expects to make significant contributions to the University’s new Spire of Excellence in Food Systems ( The incumbent is expected to participate in a transdisciplinary iniative on food systems.

Qualified applicants must possess a Ph.D. in a communication field at the time of appointment, a strong history or potential for applied scholarly research and publication in communication fields, a proven track record or potential to obtain sponsored funding, and a commitment to quality teaching. In addition, successful applicants must have the desire to work in a transdisciplinary environment and meet the demands of a Research I University. The successful candidate will be able to teach introductory and advanced courses in applied communication, that may include public relations, marketing, advertising and society, new media, and web design. Research foci should bring a communications perspective to applied research related to food systems. A willingness and ability to teach across our majors is desired and there will be opportunity to teach at the graduate level. Qualified candidates must demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion through their research, teaching, and scholarship. Applicants are requested to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.

Special consideration will be given to candidates with research, teaching, and/or professional experience involving sustainable business or non-profit organizations and/or food systems; experience in service learning and community development; and a successful record of publication and/or grant writing.

The University of Vermont is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Applications from women and people from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged.

Interested candidates are encouraged to visit the websites for UVM-CDAE ( and the city of Burlington, Vermont ( Contact Jane Petrillo, Search Committee Chair, at 802-656-0646 or or Dr. Jane Kolodinsky, CDAE Chair, at 802-656-4616 or with questions regarding this position. Online applications only will be accepted for this position at

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