Job: Sustainable/Organic Agriculture position in New Hampshire

Sustainable/Organic Agriculture Position The New Hampshire Farm Museum in Milton, New Hampshire seeks a full time farmer/grower committed to sustainable/organic agriculture.  We are looking for someone with experience and education in the principles of sustainable, organic agriculture to establish this first year, a start-up market garden, care for our heritage breed farm animals and assist with our farm based educational programs.  The right person will be enthusiastic, a hard worker and have completed a minimum of one full season internship on an organic farm. The best candidate will be able to convey their knowledge to our visiting public and make a great addition to the museum staff.   This position in 2010 begins ideally in April/May and runs through December and has the potential to be a one year renewable position if successful. We seek someone who can bring approximately two acres under cultivation with volunteer support.  BA or Associates Degree required and relevant experience.  Position must begin no later than mid-May.  The NH Farm Museum offers free housing: a three room apartment in an historic farmhouse, including heat and electric for one person or a couple, not suitable for small children or dogs.~Kitchen and bathroom are shared with resident intern.  This first year we can offer a base salary of $1000. per month, a farm share, and half of the net profits from sales of farm products.  Please send: resume with cover letter and names of three references to:  Kathleen Shea, NH Farm Museum PO Box 644, Milton, NH 03851 or email the same to:

Extended Job Description
Enlarge, plant and care for the Museum’s ½ acre educational garden with assistance from volunteers and staff.  Be available for occasional planting and/or harvest activities during event days or special programs.
Bring 2-2 ½ acres under organic cultivation to create market garden of mixed vegetables, root crops, pumpkins, squash etc. and establish permanent compost areas in a suitable location.
Help lay the groundwork for a year round operation with extended season planting and harvest and possible establishment of CSA operation.
Care and upkeep of small young orchard of heirloom apple trees.
Grow and sell $ 10,000+ of farm produce through December.
Prepare harvest to sell in Museum’s Country Store and Farmer’s Market.
Attend weekly farmer’s market to sell produce. Daily feeding, watering and care of farm animals: Currently 5 sheep, 4 goats, 2 breeding sows, 24 chickens, and possibly turkeys.  Volunteers and interns offer assistance with feeding schedule.

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