Job: Sustainable Winegrowing Director – California

Title: Sustainable Winegrowing Director Compensation: Salary commensurate with training and experience Location: Lodi, California Lodi Winegrape Commission: In 1991 local winegrape growers voted to fund the Lodi Winegrape Commission to represent their common interest in marketing, education, and research activities. The Commission currently represents approximately 750 growers farming 100,000 acres of winegrapes.  The Commission's activities include an extensive marketing campaign, managing the Lodi Wine & Visitor Center, as well as a collaborative vintner/grower effort entitled "Lodi Wine Country." The job described in this announcement is to direct the Commission's internationally recognized Sustainable Winegrowing Program.

Job Description:

* Direct the Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing certification program focusing on expanding the number of grower and winery participants as well as providing guidance for current and new program participants;

* Direct the Commission’s Grower Education Program consisting of meetings, workshops and field days as well as maintaining website content and writing a bi-monthly grower newsletter;

* Oversee the Commission’s Research Program and providing staff support for the 14 member Research Committee;

* Organize and carry out Lodi Winegrower’s Workbook workshops with growers where they will complete a self-assessment workbook on sustainable vineyard practices;

* Assist growers in developing and implementing vineyard action plans based on the self-assessment;

* Apply for grants to help support the program;

* Maintain LWC’s demonstration vineyard;

* Represent LWC in wine industry events within and outside California.

* Other duties as needed.

Qualifications & Skills:

* A minimum of Bachelor of Sciences degree, with an emphasis in ecological sciences.

* Training and/or experience in viticulture;

* Training and/or experience in integrated pest management and/or sustainable farming;

* Experience in working with growers;

* A strong communicator with good writing and public speaking skills;

* Demonstrated grant writing skills;

* Successful applicant should possess excellent inter-personal skills as the job entails day-to-day interaction with winegrape growers and pest control advisors.

Salary:  Commensurate with training and experience

How to Apply: Send a resume, letter describing your interest in the position, and names and contact information for 3 references to: Stuart Spencer, Program Manager, Lodi Winegrape Commission, 2545 West Turner Rd., Lodi, CA  95242 (email:

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