Job: Internships at The 1780 Farm, NH

Job: Internships at The 1780 Farm, NH

The 1780 Farm is located at 89 Winchester Rd. in Chesterfield, New Hampshire next to the Connecticut River byway. The farm consists of a market garden of approx. 2 1/2 acres, which supplies a  30- 50  member CSA,  a farm stand in season. The farm also has U-Pick Blueberries, eggs, grass fed beef, chicken, Duck and Sheep.  The farm also runs an education program. There is a beaver pond, 17 acres of woodland and stream.  There are 10 acres hayed and 5 acres grazed and about a 2.5 acre homestead. Interns work in all aspects of the Farm’s production and will be taught  seeding, transplanting, greenhouse production, irrigation, field preparation, cultivating/weeding, harvesting, washing , packing , assisting with the CSA and Farm Store while interacting with retail customers and visitors to their farm. There is also general maintenance and repair as farming is as much about fixing what's broken and in need of repair as is tending and growing vegetables and animals. During the course of the full season you will be expected to quickly learn farming’s essential skills & CSA operation where every move you make is geared toward the farms profitability.  At the end of the interns stay you will have memories and friendships  that will last a life time. Interns are expected to give their labor for the daily work of the Farm and provide what skills they possess to the tasks at hand. The farm raises and slaughters their our own chickens, ducks and turkeys on site. Interns are expected to participate in some manner during processing days.

To apply for consideration submit at least three recent references from persons not related to you a brief bio including the reasons you wish to spend the summer of 2014 working on a small family farm. Send all pertinent information to: before February 15th.  Or you may contact them through thei web page at where you can find photos and more about the farm.  If you need clarification you are invited to call either of the principals at 603-363-4476.

Meals provided in the farm house during working hours.

$200.00 per month.  Minimum stay is 2 months.  Those staying longer will receive and additional $50.00 for every month of stay.  Those desiring the internship experience without the minimum stay will pre pay a non refundable fee of $50.00 per week prior to arrival.


Interns live in the farm house  and eat at the family table. Interns may be assigned cooking duties. Bath room facilities are shared.  There is a $50 per week for short stay interns (less than two months) with less than a 8 week minimum commitment . Free wifi. Netflix ROKU.

Owners Jeanny and Richard Aldrich have raised 8 children.  This is their 4th season operating a CSA.

Jeanny is a professionally trained (Le Cordon Bleu) chef with 25 + years of experience in the hospitality business.  She has a BS in Nutrition from Keene State College. She is serious about eating in season, buying local and whole foods.

Richard graduated from California State University with a BS in geology and a minor in Art and is a retired math teacher, Home designer, builder, farmer. He doesn’t eat anything his grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.

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